Fly Fishing Programs

At Kekoa Outdoors, Inc., we understand the therapeutic value of spending time with your loved ones connecting with nature and each other. For this reason, our fly fishing outings are much more than just a fishing trip.
Not only do these events allows veterans the opportunity to spend some relaxing time in the outdoors, it provides a great opportunity to socialize and build relationships with others around you in a peaceful environment.
What To Expect On A Fly Fishing Trip
The trip could be a day outing, or it could be a multi-day trip. The fly fishing outings are for any skill level. The outing could consist of wading or could be a boat trip. We have volunteers that will work with the participant on casting, equipment set up, fly fishing tactics, and fly presentation. The volunteer will also stay with the participant as a guide. We provide all the gear needed for you to have a memorable experience on and off the water. You can expect to eat well on an outing. We home cook most of the meals for the participants. The lodging is typically a three-bedroom cabin or a hotel room. The only cost that the participant may have is the cost of travel to and from the outing, and in some cases, we will cover that cost as well. You will need to have a fishing license with possibly a trout tag, depending on the state.
Hunting Programs

Hunting provides a great chance to let go of any stressors that may be present in your life at the current time. Our hunting outings not only help veterans deal with issues that they may be facing, they help build comradery and a support group by allowing you to spend time with other veterans that have had the same experiences as you. Kekoa Outdoors, Inc. takes the time to help veterans develop their hunting skills and create a lifelong passion for the outdoors.
What To Expect On a Hunting Trip
The hunting trips are day outings and will be a small group. We will have a hunting safety meeting and license check prior to heading out to the stand. We will hunt in the morning until lunchtime. You will then be fed a home cooked meal and taken back out to hunt in the afternoon until dark. We can provide you with any of the gear you need for the outing except a firearm or bow. You will need to have completed a hunter’s safety course as well as have a hunting license with the correct tags.
Fly Tying Classes
All materials and equipment will be provided for the class. The class will be instructor lead and you will be able to keep all the flies you tie. We will work on basic techniques for fly tying and tie patterns that incorporate those techniques. The fly tying classes will be open to the public and Veterans. The Veterans will be able to attend at no cost and the public will be asked for a donation of $20 per class to cover the cost of materials. The class duration is 2 hours and is held once a week. Please check our events page for dates and location.
Rod Building Classes
All materials and equipment are provided for the class. The class will be instructor lead and will consist of 5 to 6 class meetings to complete your rod. Each class will be 2 hours long.
We will cover all the techniques and equipment needed to build your custom rod. At the end of the class, you will have a custom fly rod that you built, can keep, and can take out fishing with us on one of our outings if you choose too. The rod building classes are for Veterans at no cost and offered to the public for a donation of $279. Please check our events page for dates and location.
Our Upcoming Events
May 21, 2023 @ 6:00 am
We will be taking out 2 Veterans to fly fish for stripers on lake Texoma in our New Tidewater 2500 center console boat. We will depart from Highport Marina at 6:00 am May 21st. Contact us at if you would like to go on this trip. All equipment will be provided if needed. You will need a lake Texoma fishing license.
July 3, 2023 @ 6:00 am
Texoma Striper - Conventional gear fishing
We will be hosting 4 Veterans for a morning of striper fishing with bait or lures. We will depart from Highport Marina at 6:00am July 3rd. We will provide all gear needed and live bait/lures. You will need a lake Texoma fishing license. If you are interested in going on this trip, please contact me at
Pictures from the trip
Brett Nelson Army 18Bravo getting those striper on the fly.
July 23, 2023 @ 6:00 am
We will be taking out 2 Veterans to fly fish for stripers on lake Texoma. We will depart from Highport Marina at 6:00 am July 23rd. Contact us at if you would like to go on this trip. All equipment will be provided if needed. You will need a lake Texoma fishing license.
Trip photos
August 19, 2023
Artemis Sportswomen Striper event
We will be hosting 4 Sportswomen for a morning of striper fishing with bait or lures. We will depart from Highport Marina at 6:00am August 19th. We will provide all gear needed and live bait/lures. You will need a lake Texoma fishing license. If you are interested in going on this trip, please contact me at
Trip Photos
September 29, 2023
Stripers on Lake Texoma. We can use convertional gear or fly rods Let me know if you're intersted in going and I'll get you al the details. Contact me at
Trip Photos
October 7, 2023
This will be an overnight trip. We will fish Saurday Oct 7th and Oct 8th in Beavers Bend State Park. I will provide waders, boots, rods, reels,and flies. Feel free to bring you own gear if you have it. We will meet at 10am Saturday Oct 7th across from the first park enterance. These is a corn dog stand there. Make sure to get one while you're waiting, they are awesome.
Trip Photos
October 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am
Upland Game Bird Hunt - Prairies End Hunt Club
Upland game bird hunt with our friends at Prairies End Hunt Club. We have spots for 8 Veterans on this outing. Guides, bird dogs, and lunch are provided. Anyone with mobility issue or with concerns about walking long distances, we have you covered. We can provide transportation in the field so you can be right there with the action. This event is located in Gainesville Tx and will require a Texas hunting license. If you're interested in participating, please reach out to me at
Trip Photos
December 9, 2023 @ 8:30 am
Pheasant Hunt - Caney, Oklahoma
Kekoa Outdoors will be hosting a pheasant hunt on December 9th. This event will be for 4 Veterans. We will provide guides, dogs, lunch, and drinks. Transportation in the field can be provided if you are concerned about walking long distance or have mobility issues. If you're interested in attending this event, please contact me at